Shadow Report project: European CSO cooperation for the successful implementation of the EU macro-regional strategies

31 March 2021 | Members' Corner

The EU macro-regional strategy is a relatively new policy-making framework covering the Baltic Sea, the Danube, the Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine regions. It serves as an interface between EU and local level policy developments.

The European Commission prepares biennial reports on the implemetation of macro-regional strategies. The latest one covers the 2018-2020 period and has all the characteristic features of an EU document.

The ’Shadow Report’ project coordinated by European House Budapest brings together nine civil society organisations covering the four macro-regions. Their joint work is not a political analyses of the Commission’s paper but rather a demonstration of the benefits of citizens’ involvement in shaping and implementing EU policies in a macro-regional setting. The Report will be a non-conventional document with stimulating insights and concrete recommendations.

This is where we need you input!


We are in the midst of elaborating our Shadow Report. We identified 10 topics to be covered by our paper and have 5 questions per topic. For each topic please choose one question out of the five what you find most interesting/relevant for you and send your answers back to us. The Report will be based on the answers received and finetuned with in-person meetings with citizens in public places in Mariager (DK), Szentendre (HU), Ljubljana (SI) and Palermo (IT) during the summer period.

As an illustration and encouragement have a look to some of the answers respondents already sent in.

You can send your opinion/suggestions using our questionnaires here: