Institute for Public Affairs: “Time for Changes. What Poles Expect on Selected Social Issues and How to Reach the Undecided” – opinion poll results

30 July 2024 | Members' Corner

What are the most important problems to be solved in Poland? What are Poles opinions on education, the protection of the rights of various marginalized groups, women, the situation of rivers and urban greenery, and preventing discrimination against and supporting people with refugee experiences? ‍♀️

➡ We asked Poles about these issues in a quantitative survey of which the second part of the report published at Instytut Spraw Publicznych is here.

➡ You will also find there what sources Poles get their information on these issues from and how to reach out more easily to those who are not yet fully convinced.

Thus, this report aims to provide guidelines for understanding the actions and directions of public policies in Poland that can introduce visible changes in citizens’ daily lives. Additionally, this study may serve as an important source of information for CSOs and institutions involved in various realms of civic activity, by providing guidance on how to influence the opinions of selected social groups. Please, get back, if you are interested to learn more!

Report has been drafted as part of the Central Europe Civic Engagement Project (CECEP), where IPA together with National Democratic Institute (NDI) supports selected civic organisations coalitions in developing their potential and competences in advocacy and communication activities targeted at specific social groups (see more at Central Europe Civic Engagement Project). This work is implemented with the financial support from the USAID – the U.S. Agency for International Development.