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Press Release: Civic freedoms declined over past five years despite EU democracy agenda, new report finds
Civic freedoms in decline in the EU and Western Balkans EU policies contributes to shrinking space for civil society Restrictions against protests showing solidarity with the Palestinian people across the EU Ahead of the EU elections, a new report released by the European Civic Forum finds that overall, civic freedoms have deteriorated in Europe during…...
Read MoreCall for the re-establishment of the European Parliament Anti-racism and Diversity Intergroup
11 September 2024 — We, the undersigned human rights and civil society organisations, urgently call upon the newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their…...
Summer 2024: Taking stock of the last five years and looking ahead to the next.
In this edition we reflect on the Rule of Law process and look ahead to the next. Plus we bring you the completed Civic Spaces podcast series…...
EDITO: Taking stock of the last five years, looking ahead to the next.
This month saw big steps in the renewal of the European institutions for the next five years. The new cohort of MEPs took up their seats, committee chairs were elected, and on 18 July, Ursula von der...
Volonteurope: ECI for a water-smart and resilient Europe
Following on our commitment from the workshop ‘A Blue Deal through citizenship and stewardship’, which we organised during Civil Society Week in March 2024, together with the European Environmental...
Civil Society Development Foundation (FDSC): Romania 2024 – The Non-Governmental Sector.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of the NGO sector in Romania and offers valuable insights for stakeholders interested in the development and support of civil society. The...
Institute for Public Affairs: “Time for Changes. What Poles Expect on Selected Social Issues
What are the most important problems to be solved in Poland? What are Poles opinions on education, the protection of the rights of various marginalized groups, women, the situation of rivers and urban...
European Movement Italy: A Constituent Pact for the Future of Europe
The most significant element of Ursula von der Leyen's re-election appears to us to be the consolidation of the pro-European parliamentary majority that voted for her and that included Christian...
Gong: Analysis of Political Narratives on TikTok during the 2024 Election Campaign
Gong published the “Analysis of Political Narratives on TikTok during the 2024 Election Campaign” - research with an aim to explor the political narratives and political environment of TikTok in the...
With the rule of law in decline, the Commission’s reporting is not fit for purpose
The European Commission’s Rule of Law monitoring process is not fit for purpose, according to a leading European NGO, as the body publishes its annual report on the issue. In a statement published...