
To support our advocacy and network building, European Civic Forum produces a variety of publications, including advocacy reports, our Activizenship magazine and our new podcast, Civic Spaces. Check them out below!





Policy and advocacy reports

Civic Space Report 2024

In our Civic Space Report 2024, we assess the space for civil society in Europe in 2023. The report finds that civic freedoms have continued to deteriorate. After taking office in 2019, the European Commission leadership committed to a “new push for European Democracy”. However, while the Commission has introduced a range of important measures to boost democracy, the report finds that space for civil society has continued to shrink, indicating that the EU must do more, better and differently to support and protect civil society.

Protection for HRDs & CSOS - Pathways

Protection for HRDs & CSOS - Mapping

Civic Space Report 2023

Towards Vibrant European Civic and Democratic Space

The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on fundamental rights and civic space

Civic space in the European Rule of Law Framework

Towards an open, transparent and structured EU civil dialogue

2021 Rule of Law Report

Towards an enabling environment for civil society in Europe

Include project - Evaluation and good practices

Project include - Evaluation et bonnes pratiques

As state of democracy: Towards citizen rights protection in the EU


Launched in 2014, Activizenship is a magazine edited by the European Civic Forum, aiming to explore the potential of forms of civic, social and political activism and to capture current trends and transformations affecting the civil society environment in Europe.


Stories of hope in dark times


Stories from the lockdown


Success stories of resistance


Democracy under stress | Rights for all


Values | Democracy | Citizenship


Solidarity | Commons | From grassroots up


Democracy, Solidarity, Rights FOR ALL!

Our manifesto for the 2024 EU elections.

There is another way.

Make Europe Great for All

Equality, Solidarity, Democracy for Europe

Civic Spaces

Civic Spaces is European Civic Forum’s new podcast, where we sit down with those fighting for systemic change in Europe and beyond.

We aim not only to highlight issues and bring attention to shrinking civic space, but also to highlight inspiring stories of successful activism. Each episode focuses on a specific topic.

Listen now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe!