European Elections 2024: Democracy, Solidarity, Rights – FOR ALL!

In 6-9 June, voters in the 27 EU Member States will go to the polls to elect new Members of the European Parliament. The outcome of these elections will have a huge impact on EU laws for the coming five years.

In the face of multiple crises, some seek to divide us. The European Civic Forum has one clear message: There is another way!


Vote for a Europe of Democracy, Solidarity and Rights for ALL!

To earn people’s trust we must build a future different from the past

Over the last five years, people in Europe and around the world have faced a series of crises. Life has become more difficult, and many are left with deep fears for their futures.

Anti-democratic forces seek to exploit these anxieties and divide our societies.


By listening to people’s concerns and delivering on their needs, our representatives can build a different future and regain trust.

Peace, justice, and human, social and environmental security should be the core principles and values guiding EU policies.

Civil society organisations work towards these goals every day, often stretching way beyond their means to assist those in need. To build a future different from the past, they must be recognised as key partners.

Civil Society for EU

Civil society organisations play a key role in our democracies. They promote and protect fundamental rights, ensure underrepresented voices are heard, and help to enable governments and institutions to respond to people’s needs. However, their role is not always recognised, and they face an increasing number of challenges.

That’s why we teamed up with a large number of CSOs to form the Civil Society for EU campaign. Taking forward the outcomes from our 2022 civic space convening, we’re calling on the future MEPs to commit to supporting civil society through a Civil Society Strategy and a Civil Dialogue agreement.


Our joint demands



A Civil Society Strategy

While some encouraging measures have been taken at the European level in support of civic actors, these will have limited impact in countering the shrinking civic space if there is no comprehensive EU strategy dedicated to civil society.

To fill the gaps in existing policies and to mainstream positive practices, we call on the EU institutions to develop a Civil Society Strategy aimed at strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs) and human rights defenders and at protecting them from attacks and smear campaigns, with the following key areas:

  • A safe and enabling environment for civil society
  • An EU protection mechanism for human rights defenders
  • Adequate funding



A Civil Dialogue agreement

CSOs play a vital role in our societies. They represent diverse groups of people and provide a channel for participation in political life outside of the election cycle. That’s why we believe civil dialogue – the engagement between civil society and policymakers – is essential for building strong democracies that deliver on people’s needs.

We’re calling for the EU institutions to conclude a civil dialogue agreement, recognising civil dialogue as an essential element of European participatory democracy. This agreement should be developed in cooperation with civil society, to ensure it fully reflects its needs. It should aim to harmonise standards for civil dialogue across EU institutions and Member States, so that every opportunity for civil dialogue leads to quality engagement.


The pledge


We are calling on all candidates for the EU elections from across Europe to recognise the true value of civil society and to commit to safeguarding its space in Europe. Read the full pledge and become a civil society supporter!



I commit to supporting civil society all over Europe


If elected as Member of the future European Parliament, I will strive for the European Union to better recognise, safeguard, support and engage with civil society at all levels.

I will commit to policy measures that strengthen and protect a safe and open space for civil society, so that it can thrive and keep on meaningfully contributing to European societies and democracies.

I will stand up for civil society actors when their recognition and legitimacy is threatened, particularly in countries where civic space is being increasingly eroded.

I will strive to advocate for the development of a strategy on civil society, to give value to and enhance the dialogue between civil society and policy makers, and to ensure that the voices of all people, citizens and groups – especially marginalised ones – are heard and represented in the EU decision-making.

In French


Si je suis élu.e membre du futur Parlement européen, je m’efforcerais de faire en sorte que l’Union européenne reconnaisse, protège et soutienne mieux la société civile et s’engage avec elle, à tous les niveaux.

Je m’engagerais en faveur de mesures politiques qui renforcent et protègent un espace sûr et ouvert pour la société civile, afin qu’elle puisse prospérer et continuer à contribuer de manière significative aux sociétés et aux démocraties européennes.

Je défendrais les acteurs de la société civile lorsque leur reconnaissance et leur légitimité sont menacées, en particulier dans les pays où l’espace civique est de plus en plus érodé.

Je m’efforcerais de plaider en faveur de l’élaboration d’une stratégie pour la société civile, de valoriser et de renforcer le dialogue entre la société civile et les décideurs politiques, et de veiller à ce que les voix de tous les individus, les citoyens et les groupes – en particulier ceux qui sont marginalisés – soient entendues et représentées dans le processus décisionnel de l’UE.

In Spanish


Si soy elegido diputado al futuro Parlamento Europeo, me esforzaré para que la Unión Europea reconozca, proteja y apoye mejor a la sociedad civil y se comprometa con ella a todos los niveles.

Me comprometeré a adoptar medidas políticas que refuerzan y protegen un espacio seguro y abierto para la sociedad civil,de modo que pueda prosperar y seguir contribuyendo significativamente a las sociedades y democracias europeas.

defenderé activamente a los agentes de la sociedad civil cuando su reconocimiento, financiación y seguridad se vean amenazados,sobre todo en países donde el espacio cívico se ve cada vez más erosionado.

Me esforzaré por abogar por el desarrollo y la aplicación de una Estrategia de la Sociedad Civil de la UE, que incluya el diálogo civil institucionalizado, para garantizar que las voces de todas las personas, ciudadanos y grupos-especialmente los marginados- sean escuchadas y estén representadas en la toma de decisiones de la UE.

In German


Sollte ich zum Mitglied des künftigen Europäischen Parlaments gewählt werden, werde ich mich dafür einsetzen, dass die Europäische Union die Zivilgesellschaft auf allen Ebenen besser anerkennt, schützt, unterstützt und mit ihr zusammenarbeitet.

Ich werde mich für politische Maßnahmen einsetzen, die einen sicheren und offenen Raum für die Zivilgesellschaft stärken und schützen, damit sie sich weiterentwickeln und einen bedeutenden Beitrag für die europäischen Gesellschaften und Demokratien leisten kann.

Ich werde mich für die Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft einsetzen, wenn ihre Anerkennung und Legitimität bedroht ist, insbesondere in Ländern, in denen der zivilgesellschaftliche Raum zunehmend ausgehöhlt wird.

Ich werde mich für die Entwicklung einer Strategie für die Zivilgesellschaft einsetzen, um den Dialog zwischen der Zivilgesellschaft und den politischen Entscheidungsträgern aufzuwerten und zu verbessern und um sicherzustellen, dass die Stimmen aller Menschen, Bürgerinnen und Bürger und Gruppen – insbesondere den marginalisierten – in den EU-Entscheidungsprozessen gehört und vertreten werden.

In Polish


IJeśli zostanę wybrany/na na posła/posłankę do przyszłego Parlamentu Europejskiego, będę dążył/a do tego, aby Unia Europejska lepiej uznawała, chroniła, wspierała i angażowała społeczeństwo obywatelskie na wszystkich szczeblach instytucjonalnych.

Zaangażuję się w działania polityczne, które wzmocnią i ochronią bezpieczną i otwartą przestrzeń dla społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, aby mogło się ono rozwijać i nadal wnosić znaczący wkład w europejskie społeczeństwa i demokracje.

Będę bronić podmiotów społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, gdy ich uznanie i legitymacja będą zagrożone, szczególnie w krajach, w których przestrzeń obywatelska ulega coraz większej erozji.

Będę dążyć do opracowania strategii na rzecz społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, aby nadać wartość i wzmocnić dialog między społeczeństwem obywatelskim a decydentami politycznymi oraz zapewnić, że głosy wszystkich ludzi, obywateli, obywatelek i grup – zwłaszcza zmarginalizowanych – są słyszalne i reprezentowane w procesie decyzyjnym Unii Europejskiej.

How can I take part?



As an individual


  • Ask your candidates to sign the Civil Society for EU pledge
  • Spread the word: There is another way!
  • Vote for a Europe of Democracy, Solidarity and Rights for All!

As a civil society organisation


  • Endorse the Civil Society for EU Manifesto 
  • Ask candidates to sign the Civil Society for EU pledge
  • Call on parties and candidates to support our demands for a Europe of Democracy, Solidarity and Rights for All!
  • Get out the vote!