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Civic Pride Month – Celebrating Civic Activism!

For several years, ECF has been running the Civic Pride campaign – turning our attention away from policymaking and institutional…...
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IPA: Central Europe Civic Forum 2024 – civil society advocates for a better and stronger!

3 days of intensive work, exchange of experiences and networking are behind us within the annual Central Europe Civic Forum, which took place this year in Warsaw on September 11-13. The Central Europe...

Register now: How do we uphold the Charter of Fundamental Rights?

Nyt Europa and the European Civic Forum are pleased to invite you to a high-level conference focused on the state of fundamental rights and the…...

European NGOs publish papers on a protection mechanism for human rights defenders and CSOs

Today, the European Civic Forum and Civil Society Europe, leading an informal coalition of Civil Society Organisations, present the Mapping paper and the Pathways paper for…...

Polish Women’s Strike protests’ organisers on trial – verdict on 03.10.2024

Date: 3.10.2024 Time: 12.00 Courtroom: 224 Location: District Court in Warsaw, Solidarności 127 Press briefing after the verdict. The criminal case against Polish Women's Strike pro abortion protests’...

September 2024: It’s been a busy rentrée in Brussels

It’s been a busy rentrée in Brussels, and it shows no signs of letting up! In this edition, you can hear about some of our plans for…...

EDITO: A busy rentrée in Brussels

September is always a busy month in Brussels. Every year la rentrée ensures that summer holidays are soon forgotten about. This year, this is especially true. Speculation (and political drama)...

BCSDN Calls for an End to Crackdown on Serbian Civic Freedoms, Urging the EU and International

In solidarity with Serbian civil society, BCSDN stands firmly with those facing increasing pressure to defend democratic values and fundamental rights. We support their right to protest and demand an...

IDC: Balkan caravan – Journey through the Western Balkan region

The IRIS network organized the Balkan Caravan from July 8 to 13, 2024 in six countries of the region - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia. The purpose of...

European Movement Italy – European Commission: A glass half empty, significant

We will divide our reflections into three points: the first concerns the institutional aspects, which are obviously also political, the second concerns what could be called a half-full glass, the...