Vaccines for all, Refugees Football Club: the latest news from
the Greek Forum of Refugees

15 November 2021 | Call for action, Members' Corner

Vaccines for all: INTERSOS Hellas, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Greek Forum of Migrants aim with this information campaign (1) to ensure that communities and individuals, migrants and refugees living in Greece, are aware of their right to access the vaccine, (2) to combat fear and mistrust previous and current national policies have created, (3) to tackle misinformation and the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, (4) to include as many undocumented migrants as possible, and (5) to ensure that vaccination is available for all. For more information please visit our website:

Call to action: INTERSOS HELLAS, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Greek Forum of Migrants address a call to action: Access to Vaccines for Everyone! We would like to invite all the European Civic Forum organizations to co – sign our initiative in order to empower our message for maximizing accessibility to vaccines for all. Please read the call here and share with us the will to co – sign our call:

“Denying food: Instead of receiving protection. People go hungry on EU soil”: This is a very significant issue that urged civic society organizations in Greece to address a formal letter to the Prime Minister in Greece, the Minister of Migration & Asylum, the President of the European Commission and the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. Please read the letter here:

The Greek Forum of Refugees’ Football Club: The Football Team of the Greek Forum of Refugees is an ideal tool for social inclusion and community empowerment, regarding asylum seekers, refugees, migrants of first and second generation and stateless people. This team has managed not only to create the sense of belonging for newcomers arrive in Greece, but, also, to bridge the gap among refugee communities and the host society. The team has helped the Greek Forum of Refugees to shift the public narrative towards a much more positive perspective regarding the reception and inclusion of the refugee and the migrant population. The Greek Forum of Refugees struggles to sustain the team financially. Therefore, we have decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign in order to sustain our standard costs this year. Please support our mission by donating.

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