Cap Magellan : European meeting of Young Lusodescendants in Fatima

01 October 2021 | Members' Corner

Cap Magellan, first youth association for young portuguese or portuguese speaking people, founded in Paris in 1991, enables around flfty young people aged between 18 and 35, for more than 6 years now, to meet in Portugal each year within the framework of its European project “European Meeting of Young Lusodescendants ».

This project not only aims to promote the Portuguese language and culture but also to train young people in employability through several workshops. Indeed, thanks to a unique experience, young lusodescendants return to their respective countries better equipped to face the world of work. Furthermore, themes such as gender equality, immigration, stereotypes, are also addressed in order to make difference

and diversity a strength. This meeting is possible, in particular, thanks to a network of European associations that Cap Magellan is constantly seeking to expand.

This year, the  event will  take  place from  December  8 to 12 in  Fatima  and  the  theme is “Employability in Europe: digital technology in the service of ecology and inclusion of young people”. Employability, sustainable development and the environment will thus be in the spotlight throughout the week.

Whether you are a young lusodescendant or a Portuguese-speaking association, do not hesitate to contact us if you want to join this adventure !

For more information, join our social networks (website, Facebook, Instagram) or contact or and participate in our online event on October 15 during Erasmus Days.