European House Budapest: Citizens of EU macro-regions in action

22 February 2024 | Members' Corner

The 10th edition of Europe, let’s cooperate interregional cooperation forum (#europecooperates) will take place on 20-21 March 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium.

It is expected that the third Interreg call of project proposals will be launched, guidelines, tips and advice for project development will be available.

But what is even more exciting is that European House Budapest is hosting a networking talk from 15:00 hours on 20 March 2024. The purpose of this networking table is to bring together CSOs and other interested stakeholders from the four EU macro-regions (Baltic Sea, Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine) to exchanges ideas and best practices on how to promote citizen participation and engagement in EU policy-making.

In 2023, a proposal for a macro-regional civic strategy was developed and adopted in December, following extensive consultations in the four macro-regions. The next step is the establishment of a macro-regional CSO network, an open, bottom-up and broad arrangement of committed organisations and others seeking for concrete joint solutions to the current challenges, especially in the field of shared European values, education and energy proverty.

Join us in this innovative journey and contribute to a stronger citizens-centered Europe!

Registration is open until 5 March 2024. See you in Antwerp!