European House Budapest: The first MRS Civil Yearbook is out!

05 June 2024 | Members' Corner

The first Macro-Regional Civil Yearbook covering in a comprehensive manner the achievements and major developments of civil

society stakeholders of the four macro-regions has been published by European House Budapest. This new and non-traditional initiative aims to underline the value added nature of civil society involvement in shaping and implementing the EU macro

-regional strategies.

As Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, who received the very first copy of the 2023 Yearbook during a recent visit to Budapest from Miklós Barabás, Director of the House of Europe Budapest, said in her Greetings: „The active participation of civil society and citizens in macro-regional strategies is essential, because good policymaking involves those affected by the decisions. Civil society organisations have the potential to contribute significantly to shaping and implementing macro-regional strategies.

It is in this spirit that European House Budapest continues its Stronger.Together – the magic of macro-regions project in 2024 with a broad range of programmes including the establishment of a macro-regional civil network. It promises to be an important tool in institutionalising citizen’s dialogue across the macro-regions for the benefit of the European project.

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MRS Civil Yearbook 2023