European Movement Italy – European Public Goods in the next legislature

12 July 2023 | Members' Corner

By European Movement Italy

The European Movement in Italy has decided to open a debate on the European Public Goods and in the legislative measures to be adopted by the European Institutions during the next legislature.

  • A statute for the European Association
  • A European Civil Service
  • The creation of working corridors for Economic Migrants
  • The respect of the rule of law strengthening the role of the FRA
  • A European Progressive Social Protocol
  • A European Mitbestimmung
  • A European Directive on the Services of general Interest
  • A European measure to implement the administrative cooperation based on the art. 197 TFEU
  • A European legislative act on transparency, openness, and efficiency of European institutions to implement the art. 298 TFEU
  • A European act to place the participatory democracy (transnational panels and digital platform) on a permanent footing.

To take the advantage of the dynamics related with the European elections campaign the European Movement in Italy suggests using the instrument of the European Citizens Initiatives.

Rome, 26  June 2023