Initiative for Development and Cooperation shares news about its projects – IRIS network and Reintegrate II

30 October 2024 | Members' Corner


Regional Benchmark Study for Western Balkans coming soon!

Social progress – Regional Benchmark Study provides an overview of the progress made in the framework of the EU accession process regarding the following policy areas: social services, human rights protection, anti-discrimination policies, employment and social economy.

This study will offer a snapshot of the WB countries social progress, policies and practices in ensuring a democratic society and CSOs participation in the protection of marginalized groups.

Benchmark will be available on our site –

So stay tuned!


IRIS network is announcing upcoming events:

Civic dialogue – “Towards increased inclusion”

By the end of 2024, civil dialogues will be organized in Serbia, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania. The purpose of these annual sessions is to network and facilitate communication and cooperation between civil society sector and local authorities. So far, civic dialogue sessions were organized in North Macedonia and Montenegro.

Follow our social media for updates:

The IRIS network is regional network of social service providers which gathers more than 200 members organizations from six regional countries – Albania, Bosna and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia. This activities are held in the framework of the EU-funded project “Strengthening capacities and policy engagement of community service providers – IRIS PROGRESS”, funded by the EU.


Reintegrate II:

As part of the Reintegrate II project which contains economic component, 30 contracts for self-employment of project beneficiaries were awarded in the last month in Novi Pazar, Kruševac and Pirot. In addition to grants, the beneficiaries received mentoring support and counseling to ensure the successful operation of their businesses. Each beneficiary received equipment, machinery, and materials, which will significantly enhance both their small businesses and the offerings on the local market.

Social initiatives are also being supported within this project:

Novi Pazar: Two social initiatives have been launched, aimed at improving and strengthening the social protection system. The Novi Pazar Association of Psychologists, with mentoring and advisory support, has launched the E-Assistant application, while the Novi Pazar Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired received donated equipment to enhance the functioning of the association and start workshops for their beneficiaries.

Kruševac : A social initiative was also launched – the opening of an office for citizens with temporary disabilities, reduced independence, and various forms of disabilities. This office will include a computer with software for the blind, a large screen, a computer with sign language instructions, and a computer for people with reduced mobility.

Pirot – Two social initiatives has been started – Association of women “Lion” is implementing project “New for old ones” which will support elderly people to be well-educated and digitally literate in communication and use of information through workshops. Other initiative is “Eco-social help” which implement association Gea with an aim to raise awareness about ecology on local level through practical activities.

Reintegrate II is led by the German organization ASB (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), with IDC from Belgrade as the implementation partner. The project covers the Pirot, Rasina, and Raška districts and is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by local self-governments Novi Pazar, Kruševac and Pirot.