Italy: statement on the Conference on the Future of Europe

23 February 2021 | Members' Corner

The European Movement in Italy:

– Supports the necessity of an urgent start of the Conference on the future of the Europe in order to open the way of a deep reform of the European Union

– Shares the idea that the Conference – as a public and democratic space to assure a constant dialogue between the EU citizens and the institutions – will organise the debates during eighteen months until the beginning of 2023 and divided in six transnational and thematic sessions dedicated to the future competences of the EU, the social and environmental sustainability, the role of EU as an international actor, the fiscal capacity of EU, the democratic dimension and the EU citizenship, the differentiated integration

– Suggests that the Conference will elaborate an interim report before March 2022

– Rejects the proposal of the Council to give to the Conference the mandate to discuss on the “strategic Agenda” adopted by the European Council in June 2019

– Supports the idea that the agenda, the timetable and the working method will be adopted in the Conference by a qualified majority

– Proposes that the final recommendations of the Conference will be sent directly to the EP in view of a democratic and constituent process beyond starting after the European elections in May 2024 and beyond the art. 48 of TEU.