Civil society condemns Facilitation Directive’s failure to protect migrants and call for rejection of Europol Regulation. When the European Commission published the Facilitator’s Package in 2023, its stated goal was to protect migrants from being exploited by...
The Commission claims its work programme is driven by democracy, solidarity and equality. But its content seems to be dictated by different objectives.
This month, the European Commission published its 2025 work programme, the first of a five-year period. It claims to respond to the challenges facing the European project and to meet the needs and aspirations of Europeans, in line with the values enshrined in the...
As ECF celebrates its 20th anniversary, its mission is more important than ever
2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of ECF’s founding. In 2005, representatives from civil society organisations across the continent gathered at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg to set up a network of CSOs. Their aim was to address the gap between citizens and EU...
EDITO: The renewed European Commission could be an opportunity for action on civic space. We must ensure that it delivers on its potential.
Last month, Ursula von der Leyen presented her new team of Commissioners-designate, including Commissioner-designate for Democracy, Justice, and the Rule of Law Michael McGrath. At ECF, we’re pleased to see that, in these mandates, the Commission recognises protecting...
European NGOs publish papers on a protection mechanism for human rights defenders and CSOs
Today, the European Civic Forum and Civil Society Europe, leading an informal coalition of Civil Society Organisations, present the Mapping paper and the Pathways paper for a Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organisations in Europe. ...
EDITO: A busy rentrée in Brussels
September is always a busy month in Brussels. Every year la rentrée ensures that summer holidays are soon forgotten about. This year, this is especially true. Speculation (and political drama) surrounding the unveiling of the new European Commission portfolios...
Joint letter: CSOs react to downgrading of the Equality portfolio
In light of the recent unveiling of the new European Commission, European and national equality civil society networks and organisations wish to express their shock and dismay over the downgrading of the Equality portfolio compared to the previous mandate. When...
Joint letter: Ensuring a vibrant civic space in the European Union – civil society’s expectations for the next five years
The following letter, signed by 416 civil society organisations across Europe, was launched at the Civil Society Forum in in June 2024 Warsaw by ECF and its members FDSC and OFOP. [ba_dual_button btn_a_text="Download the letter and see the list of signatories"...
EDITO: Taking stock of the last five years, looking ahead to the next.
This month saw big steps in the renewal of the European institutions for the next five years. The new cohort of MEPs took up their seats, committee chairs were elected, and on 18 July, Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed as the President of the European Commission for...
EDITO: As the EU elections approach, civic space continues to shrink
The European elections kick off in just one week. Over four days, millions of voters will go to the polls to elect new members of the European Parliament, at a crucial moment for Europe. These elections come after a difficult five years, with many feeling anxious for...