by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 29 March 2017 | Civic Participation, Press
The Bureau of European Parliament unveiled the composition of the new European citizen’s prize Chancellery, in a meeting on 13 March 2017. Since 2008 the Parliament awards the European Citizen’s Prize every year to projects and initiatives that facilitate cross-border...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 01 March 2017 | Civic Participation
The European Citizenship Awards 2017 are a joint initiative between the European Civic Forum and Volonteurope, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance of social justice to the cohesion of communities across Europe. The...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 13 June 2016 | Civic Participation
The European Citizenship Awards 2016 are a joint initiative between Volonteurope and the European Civic Forum, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance of social justice to the cohesion of communities across Europe. The... by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 19 April 2016 | Civic Participation
The European Citizenship Awards 2016 are a joint initiative between Volonteurope and European Civic Forum, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance of social justice to the cohesion of communities across Europe. The...