by Joint letter | 15 March 2024 | Advocacy
Despite repeated warnings from Civil Society Organisations, EU lawmakers have reached an agreement on the Schengen Borders Code reform which will be voted on in the LIBE Committee next week. The legislative file that has emerged from negotiations between the Belgian...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 02 May 2018 | Call for action, Civic Participation
An unprecedented initiative will kick-off in France on Monday, 30 April. Willing to gather together citizens and raise awareness about the situation of migrants coming to France, but also about the activists that give real substance to solidarity, l’Auberge des...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 27 November 2015 | Call for action
Report of the decisions and synthesis of the discussion by Raffaella Bolini – Arci In Thessaloniki, on November 21st and 22nd, volunteers of the countries involved in the Balkan route of the migrants met with activists involved on the Mediterranean and Northern...