by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 04 February 2022 | Future of Europe, Publications
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Find the original version (in French) here: HL196-Monde-5.-Quel-avenir-pour-le-projet-europeen.pdf ( Alexandrina Najmowicz est secrétaire générale du Forum civique européen (FCE), réseau composé d’une centaine...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 05 November 2021 | Civic Space, Civil Dialogue
At an event held on Friday, 5 November organised by the EESC Diversity group in partnership with Civil Society Europe, about two hundred participants from civil society and EU institutions discussed about the role of CSOs in building the Future of Europe. Within his...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 05 October 2021 | Members' Corner
By CIME-European Movement Italy – Supported by a grotesque vision of the relations between the representative and participatory democracy, the Council has claimed that the Conference on the future of Europe will not end with a collective dialogue and a common...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 01 September 2021 | Future of Europe
We are living a historic moment at the European level in terms of coordination and convergence of civil society around a shared agenda for the Future of Europe. Over 80 thematic EU networks, platforms, federations and alliances have come together at the initiative of...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 28 January 2021 | Public Consultation
The Future of Europe is now! As Citizens Take Over Europe we are working to bring together civil society organisations, citizens and residents of Europe with a shared goal: to promote a future for the European people that they can shape together during the upcoming...