by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 16 February 2017 | Uncategorised
À l’occasion du soixantième anniversaire de la signature du Traité de Rome, nous nous réunissons, conscients qu’il faut changer l’Europe, pour la sauver de la désintégration, du désastre social et de la régression autoritaire. Notre patrimoine commun, fait d’avancés...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 16 February 2017 | Civic Participation, Civic Space
We are coming together to mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome in the full knowledge that we must change Europe, to stop it from falling apart, to avoid a social and environmental catastrophe and to keep authoritarianism at bay. Our common...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 17 December 2014 | Call for action
The creation of Civil Society Europe Major European Civil Society Organisations joined in Rome on 16th December 2014 for the creation of Civil Society Europe. Thirty European Networks1 establish a permanent coordination of the organised civil society at EU-level, a...