intervenir par une réflexion critique sur les paradigmes sociaux, culturels, économiques Pour alimenter les débats dans l’espace public, le FCE cherche à intervenir par une réflexion critique sur les paradigmes sociaux, culturels, économiques dans lequel nous nous...

Year: 2015
Civil Society Europe : être en pôle position pour le changement
Les principaux réseaux européens d’associations se sont réunis pour créer Civil Society Europe, un espace permanent d’échanges horizontaux et une voix forte pour un changement de paradigme, afin de renforcer et promouvoir les valeurs d’égalité, de solidarité, de...
Press Conference Civil Society Europe
On 3rd February 2015, major European networks of associations got together for a press conference at the EU Parliament in Brussels, joining forces to create Civil Society Europe. This new platform aims at becoming a permanent space for horizontal exchanges and a...
TTIP Update
To pass or not pass? To pass or not pass? That is the great question hanging over the Transatlatic Trade Agreements (TTIP), between the EU and the USA on the one hand, and the already agreed yet contested one between Canada and the EU on the other. Indeed, as this...
In February, tragedies in the Mediterranean have once again called civil society and institutions to find a solution to the increasing number of migrants risking their life crossing the sea in search of a (better) future. The situation in neighbouring countries...
Decided by Parliament Resolution on 2nd April 2014, under the motto “Our world, our dignity, our future” (article 1), the objectives of the year, as provided in article 2 of the Resolution, will be « a) to inform Union citizens about the Union 's and the Member...
ECF @ the Kick-off meeting of Citi-rights project in Rome
ECF met with partners at the Kick-off meeting of Citi-rights project coordinated by European Alternatives and co-funded by the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. Awareness raising and training concerning the right to free movement The...
EU Accession to ECHR : not yet…
On 18th December 2014, the European Court of Justice delivered its Opinion (2/13) on the compatibility of the Draft agreement on the Union’s accession to the European Convention on Human Rights with the Treaties. Eu accession debates This opinion follows the...