National Coalition of NGOs: Lithuania’s First NGO Day – A Celebration of Non-Governmental Organizations

28 March 2023 | Members' Corner

by National Coalition of Non-governmental Organisations, Lithuania

On February 27th, Lithuania celebrated its first-ever World NGO Day, marking a momentous occasion for the country’s non-governmental organisations. The day was dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of NGOs and their contributions to society, ranging from human rights and environmental protection to cultural heritage.

NGOs play a vital role in shaping society, and their efforts are felt in almost every aspect of our lives. Through volunteering, advocacy work, or providing essential services, NGOs have become an indispensable part of the fabric of our communities.

To celebrate the occasion, all NGOs in Lithuania united under the social media hashtag #NGOday, which soon spread very quickly throughout social and national media. The celebration wave even caught the attention of national newspapers, leading to numerous TV and radio panels inviting representatives of NGOs to speak on their platforms.

However, the highlight of the event was a meeting between the NGO and the Speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, where we discussed upcoming challenges and opportunities. It was a significant moment for NGOs in Lithuania, as the meeting saw the proposal of a draft law amendment to establish February 27th as World NGO Day in Lithuania. The amendment would recognise the tireless efforts of the NGOs in the country and cement the tradition of celebrating their work in the future.

NGOs in Lithuania are made up of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to improve the lives of others. Let us continue to celebrate and support NGOs in their journey towards building a better society.