EU civil society strategy - conference summary Goal Although civil society matters fall outside the EU’s competence, in response to signs of a shrinking civic space observed in an increasing number of Member States, EU institutions have launched a number of important...

Ökotárs Alapítvány
Okotars: Hungarian CSOs launch the Civil EU Presidency
Hungary holds the presidency of the Council of the EU between 1 July and 31 December 2024. Two CSO networks - the Great Lakes and Wetlands Alliance and the Civilisation Coalition - launch the Civil EU Presidency together to amplify the voice of civil society during...
Ökotárs – Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy?
Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy? – was the title of the conference Ökotárs and its partners held on 12 October in Brussels, in the EFTA House. The event, attended by about 60 representatives of civil society organisations from Central...
Reclaim Our Civil Space! – Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy?
The endeavour of Reclaim Our Civil Space! started back in 2020 with 10 civil society organizations from 8 countries - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Norway as an expert partner - and is coming to an end with this conference....