A month for Peace in Niksic, Montenegro

05 October 2021 | Members' Corner

By Alfa Centar Niksic In September, the activities of the new Social service “ACTA NON VERBA”, which was formed by the NGO ALFA Center, were in progress. Training was conducted for 40 children from socially disadvantaged families to work on computers. After the training, the children were given 40 smart tablet devices. By the end of the month, the first humanitarian action of the new social service will be realized. Five socially endangered families from the records of the center for social work will receive assistance in food and basic foodstuffs. In the next year, we will help 5 vulnerable families per month with the support of our partners from Germany, ASB and our business partners. The development of a comprehensive web platform for social services is underway, which will include all relevant entities operating in the field of providing social and humanitarian support to all vulnerable categories at the local level.

The project “Local government in the palm of your hand” is also in progress. The general goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the civil sector from Niksic to monitor and control the work of local government and increase the level of partnership and future cooperation between local NGOs, as well as NGOs and local government and ultimately increase transparency, efficiency and accountability in local government. Together with five partner organizations from city of Niksic, we started a research related to monitoring and control of local government for the period of 5 years 2016-2020. “Local government in the palm of your hand” platform through which citizens will establish direct communication with their representatives in the local and national parliament, competent services and local government bodies. The platform will contribute to greater transparency and accountability of local government bodies, speed up procedures and save citizens’ time.

 The volunteer club “Alfa Center”, in cooperation with the folklore ensemble “Zahumlje”, held a performance “Let’s mark peace” today on the city square in order to mark the International Day of Peace. During the performance, the folklore ensemble “Zahumlje” performed a couple of its points in different costumes, after which the banners were displayed: “Extremism is not cool” and “Let’s mark peace“. The members of the club then encouraged the citizens to leave a message of peace on the improvised globe.

During September, our video campaign “Extremism is not cool” was completed, which we conducted in order to prevent radicalism and violent extremism. Also, we submitted to the authorities in the Municipality of Niksic a Local Action Plan against Radicalism and Violent Extremism for the Municipality of Niksic, which we developed in consultation with experts in this field. So far, the municipality of Niksic has not developed an action plan for this area. Other local government units in Montenegro do not have it either.

Last week, as an activity of our sector for traffic safety, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logistics from Budva.