BÜNDNIS FÜR GEMEINNÜTZIGKEIT: The new alliance to represent the interests of the non-profit sector and voluntary organizations in Austria  

22 February 2023 | Members' Corner


14 umbrella organizations from all areas of the non-profit sector formed a new alliance in 2022. “BÜNDNIS FÜR GEMEINNÜTZIGKEIT” (“Alliance for non-profit”) with its more than 3000 direct and indirect members is the largest network of non-profit and voluntary organizations and THE representative of the interests of the sector in the country. Members are associations as well as umbrella organizations, charitable foundations and non-profit corporations. They range from small and local associations to large organizations like the Austrian branches of Red Cross, Caritas, Amnesty International, WWF, Transparency International or Birdlife and cover all areas of civil society – from the environment to human rights or inclusion, from culture to social issues and humanitarian aid.

Together, we will work and lobby for the non-profit sector and voluntary organizations to

… improve the legal, political and economic framework for non-profit and voluntary organizations

… raise the visibility and status of the non-profit sector and voluntary organizations in public

… promote voluntary civil society commitment in Austria

… further systematic and impactful participation of non-profit organizations in the policy-making and legislation process relevant for their work

… monitor the policy-making and legislative processes at national and European level

This great alliance also came about through the dedicated work of the former IGO – Interessenvertretung Gemeinnütziger Organisationen („Interest group of public benefit organizations“) and its members.

At the beginning of this year, the IGO merged into the larger BÜNDNIS FÜR GEMEINNÜTIZGKEIT. In the future, the BÜNDNIS will contribute the Austrian perspective to the European Civic Forum and advocate for common European interests of civil society organizations on a national level.