Fundacion Cives – The CIVES Foundation supports educators in integrating democratic memory into the curriculum by traveling around Spain

02 May 2024 | Members' Corner

Since last February, the CIVES Foundation has been hosting conferences in several cities in Spain with the goal of supporting teachers in incorporating Democratic Memory into the academic program. These activities seek to contribute to the effectiveness of the teaching of Democratic Memory incorporated into the Spanish educational system through the legislation that stipulates the minimum teachings for Secondary and Primary Education, whose implementation is acontemplated and mandated by the recent Law of Democratic Memory approved by the Spanish Cortes.

The training actions on Democratic Memory, Education, and Citizenship, which have the support of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, have been held for the moment in the cities of Alicante, Murcia, Jaén, Valencia, and Cáceres, achieving a great following among the teaching staff of all educational levels, university students, and members of memorial organizations, as well as other interested parties outside the academic or associative world. The next sessions will be held in the Canary Islands on May 18 and in Zaragoza on May 25.

With this program, the CIVES Foundation focuses its efforts on the Democratic Memory, contributing to the education of democratic citizenship, whose history of conquests of rights and freedoms in our country began with the Constitution of 1812 and reached the goal of greater development in the Constitution of 1931, which was subsequently destroyed by the military coup of 1936, the war, and the dictatorship for forty years, to be finally recovered and rebuilt after the process of conquering freedoms and democratic rights that culminated during the Transition.

And the ultimate beneficiaries of this work are the students, to whom the need to acquire a permanent citizen consciousness favorable to the defense of democratic principles and values and human rights, as well as the defense of civil, political, and social rights, social goals that must be achieved in a democratic society.

It should be noted that one of the basic contents of this training program is democratic memory as a school practice, including memory itineraries and other actions that involve the participation of students in training actions on democratic memory. This encompasses the Spanish democratic process from 1812 to the present, including the long period of democratic destruction, dictatorship, and repression of the Franco era.

If you wish to learn more about the work being carried out by the CIVES Foundation and the training materials to support teachers that it has developed, you can consult the entity’s website and its section dedicated to Training Conferences on Democratic Memory, Education, and Citizenship:

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