New Europeans in partnership with the European Future Forum (EFF) and Volonteurope has launched the Europe Future Fringe.
The idea is for #EuropeFutureFringe to spark a conversation about the future of Europe, to energize the debate about what happens next. You can join the fringe network simply by writing to
Too often the discussion about Europe is located in formal institutional settings, out of reach of the citizens. We want #EuropeFutureFringe to open up the debate about Europe in all the spaces in between.
On Wed. 10 Feb., we held the third event in our Reflections on the Future of Europe series, with an international panel of experts on issues to do with European citizenship, identity and democracy and at which Dr Ruvi Ziegler will discuss the question: “Who decides my right to vote?”
Find out more about #EuropeFutureFringe events and activities here: