Apply for the European Civic Micro-Grants 2024! (only for member organisations)

The European Civic Micro-Grants are an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also to build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies. Through its operating grant from the EU’s CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established this granting mechanism for its member organisations, launched in 2023, and now available for 2024. 

The Atony Of The Governments And The Voice Of The European Parliament

The debate on the future of Europe has been the prey of the suspended time due to the COVID-19. Nobody knows when and if the Conference proposed by Emmanuel Macron in March 2019 will really start and even more nobody knows its outcome. The governments have conceived the insane idea that the Conference should study…...

The democratic opposition in Belarus laureated of the 2020 Sakharov Prize

The President of the European Parliament has just announced the Laureate of the 2020 Sakharov Prize: the democratic opposition in Belarus, represented by the Coordination Council. The Coordination Council is an initiative of brave women - Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Svetlana Alexievich, Maryia Kalesnikava, Volha Kavalkova and Veranika Tsapkala, and political and civil society figures Siarhei Tsikhanouski,…...

The home straight: an EU mechanism for defending the rule of law

Read the commentary on the current decisive stage of discussion about new mechanisms for defending the rule of law in the European Union by Piotr Buras, the head of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations and Szymon Ananicz, a senior expert at ideaForum at the Stefan Batory Foundation. The discussion about…...

First e-learning platform to learn the basics of CSO management

In cooperation with The Wheel (Ireland), The Civic Alliance – Latvia (Latvia) Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (UK), An Cosán (Ireland), the Sivis Study Centre (Finland) and Development Cooperation Roundtable - AKÜ (Estonia) project partners, has created the first e-learning platform “SCOPE”, where it is possible to learn the basics of civil society organisation (CSO)…...

‘Reclaim Our Civil Space! from local to European’ – New project in Central and Eastern Europe

The 3-year long project is implemented by European Civic Forum member Ökotárs and its sister foundations in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, as well as the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Civil Society Development Foundation (Romania), Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia) and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and it was launched with an international…...

The European Civic Forum welcomes 6 new member organisations in its network

Following the General Assembly held online on 30 June, the European Civic Forum has officially 6 new member organisations, which now amount to more than 90. The members were invited to vote on 6 applicants, namely: Ökotárs Foundation, or Hungarian Environmental Partnership Association. The foundation exists for almost 30 years, it works on general issues,…...

Launch of Active Citizens Fund – National programme in Poland

By Stefan Batory Foundation A consortium of the Stefan Batory Foundation (leader), the “Shipyard” Centre for Social Innovation and Research Foundation and the Academia of Civic Organisations Foundation issues the first call for thematic projects in the Active Citizens Fund – National, financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA Grants). The aim of the…...

Hungarian civil society in action – The „Have your say!” project | Public debate in the making in Hungary

More than 40 persons, representatives of civil society organisations and citizens gathered together in Budapest on 7 February to discuss how to participate and influence the upcoming Conference on the future of Europe, an initiative of the main EU institutions. The event was initiated and hosted by European House. The Communication from the Commission, the…...

New Europeans nominated for the Europe Award

Great news: New Europeans is in the running for the prestigious Europe Award 2019! Now it’s up to the young Europeans to vote for the winner. If you’re 35 years old or younger, then your vote is needed -- and we need it today! This nomination couldn’t come at a better time. The #GreenCard4Europe campaign…...