Through its operating grant from the CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established a re-granting mechanism for member organisations, to be launched in 2023.

The re-granting is an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of member organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies.

Within the Re-Granting, you can apply for support through the following two strands:

  • Rapid support (open-end call 30 July)

In case of urgent situations for organisations that are facing acute or unpredictable situations and need to organise action in response, such as, for example: litigation or legal expertise, advocacy and campaigning (institutional and/or media), alliance building etc.

  • Operational support (call open until 19 May)

This strand will aim to strengthen the European dimension of national and local organisations and their capacities to engage with European policy and democratic processes (such as, for example, the Rule of Law annual report or the EU elections). Additionally,  this strand will support  organisations that reach out to informal, community groups or social movements to capture and articulate their demands and/or build their capacities/expertise on specific issues, needs.

You can apply for both strands.

Please note that in case of equal applications, preference will be given to applications that have a transnational multiplying potential transnational and are deemed countries of concern.

Also, we especially encourage you to propose activities that fall into areas of civil society work that are particularly underfunded, such as: strategic litigation; rapid alert and crisis response activities; psychological support and safety; community engagement as part of civil society’s work with its beneficiaries and support base; peer-learning; training, strategy and foresight (including new fundraising techniques).


The Re-Granting aims to support member organisations that have the following features:

  • Organisations established in an EU country, with Full ECF membership status;
  • Eligible activities: analytical activities, training and capacity building activities, events, mutual learning and training, cooperation, awareness-raising, litigation, communication (including translation/interpretation) and dissemination activities;
  • Activities should duly pay attention to a gender perspective, both at design and implementation phase, ensure an inclusive and intersectional approach with regards to for instance racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, (dis)ability, age, gender, sex or sexual orientation;
  • Proclaimed democratic and inclusive goals and values, respect of human dignity, human rights, freedom of expression, equality, rule of law; nondiscriminatory practices in their written or verbal communication;
  • Potential for growth and societal impact, as well as potential to reach and empower ordinary citizens to fight societal apathy;



The applicant should fill in an application form (download below) and provide:

  • Name and Statutes;
  • Short written presentation (up to 350 words) of your work, sources of financing, explaining what type of support you require from ECF;
  • Links to website or social media content that cover your activities;
  • Detailed description of the problem you aim to solve with ECF support;
  • Results you expect to achieve with the support;
  • Detailed requested budget (personnel costs, purchase costs, subcontracting…).

Once completed, please send your application, together with your statutes to ECF secretariat (

The minimum amount that one applicant can apply for is 5 000 EUR, and the maximum amount is 10 000 EUR.

During the evaluation of the project, the following criteria will be observed:

  • Relevance ;
  • Quality ;
  • Results and impact ;
  • Justification of the cost in terms of the proposed work;
  • Consistency and urgency of the action (for Rapid support).

Selected applicants will be asked to sign a grant agreement with the European Civic Forum, please note that activities cannot start before the signature of the Agreement.

All payments and reporting will be made in EUR. Prefinancing 80% to start working on the project. The prefinancing will be paid 30 days from entry into force of regranting decision. Payment of the balance at the end of the project, upon receiving a final report (narrative and financial) of the project implementation. All expenses should be justified with the appropriate receipts.



Any question about the application? Write to us: or call at +32 2 720 98 67