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Joint letter: Solidarity for Activists in Catalonia Accused of Terrorism

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, express our urgent concerns regarding the restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly in Spain and call on the authorities to protect fundamental freedoms. Recent restrictive incidents against Catalan activists accusing them of terrorism undermine the country’s commitments to international human rights standards and European Union Law.  In November…...
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ARTE Journal à la découverte des Lauréats du Prix de la citoyenneté démocratique européenne

Le 22 octobre, le Forum Civique Européen réunissait les lauréats du Prix de la citoyenneté démocratique européenne au siège du Conseil de l'Europe pour leur remettre des prix récompensant des actions...


Le Forum Civique Européen – réseau transnational de plus de 100 associations membres – a lancé en 2014 le Prix Européen de la Citoyenneté Démocratique, qui récompense des initiatives collectives et...

European democratic citizenship Awards: Laureates announced

The European Civic Forum launched the European Democratic Citizenship Award in 2014, with the aim to promote citizens’ engagement, and reward outstanding initiatives and civic actors whose day-to-day...

Civil Society Europe: appel aux responsables de l’Union Européenne pour l’accueil desé

L’Histoire n’a pas épargné l’Europe de conflits, de guerres et de famines et dans le passé, ancien comme récent, de très nombreux habitants ont dû fuir à la recherche d’une sécurité. Aujourd’hui, des...

Civil Society Europe: Call to EU leaders for refugees welcome

Europe is no stranger to conflict, war and famine and in the recent and distant past huge numbers of its inhabitants have had to flee their homes seeking safety. Today, hundreds of thousands of people...

The European Democratic Citizenship Awards are back

In view of its tenth anniversary in 2015, the European Civic Forum launched the European Democratic Citizenship Awards, aimed at promoting citizens’ engagement. The 2015 edition will take place in the...

Le Prix de la Citoyenneté Démocratique Européenne est de retour

  Le Forum Civique Européen – réseau transnational de plus de 100 associations membres – a lancé en 2014 le Prix Européen de la Citoyenneté Démocratique, qui récompense des initiatives...

With Greece, we say YES to democracy and social justice!

During the last decade, popular trust in the European project is going records low, alongside decrease in living standards and raising poverty for large swaths of the population. The institutional...

Democracy at risk in Portugal

We now count five years of austerity, which the Portuguese population had to survive. Today, we therefore live a violent social regression, the largest in the history of our young democracy: 28% of...