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Civic Pride Month – Celebrating Civic Activism!

For several years, ECF has been running the Civic Pride campaign – turning our attention away from policymaking and institutional…...
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2017 survey about Civic Space in Europe

Civil Society Europe and CIVICUS have re-launched their annual survey to map out key trends on civic space in Europe over the last year. This survey covers the European Union, the European Economic...

2017 survey about Civic Space in Europe

Civil Society Europe and CIVICUS have re-launched their annual survey to map out key trends on civic space in Europe over the last year. This survey covers the European Union, the European Economic...

ECF president nominated in the European Citizen’s Prize Chancellery

The Bureau of European Parliament unveiled the composition of the new European citizen’s prize Chancellery, in a meeting on 13 March 2017. Since 2008 the Parliament awards the European Citizen’s Prize...

Le président du FCE à la Chancellerie du Prix du citoyen européen

Le Bureau du Parlement européen dans sa réunion du 13 mars 2017 a arrêté la composition de la nouvelle chancellerie du prix du citoyen européen. Créé en 2008, le Prix du citoyen européen a pour...

Prix européen de la citoyenneté 2017 – appel à candidatures

Le Prix Européen de la Citoyenneté 2017 est le fruit d’une initiative conjointe entre le Forum Civique Européen et Volonteurope, deux réseaux européens qui ont pour objectif de promouvoir la...

European Citizenship Awards 2017 – Call for Nominations

The European Citizenship Awards 2017 are a joint initiative between the European Civic Forum and Volonteurope, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance...

Our Europe: Unity Democracy Solidarity

We are coming together to mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome in the full knowledge that we must change Europe, to stop it from falling apart, to avoid a social and...


À l’occasion du soixantième anniversaire de la signature du Traité de Rome, nous nous réunissons, conscients qu’il faut changer l’Europe, pour la sauver de la désintégration, du désastre social et de...

Solidarity in action against right-winged extremism: activist and philanthropic innovations from

SOLIDARNA was set up in 2015 as a strategic initiative of 55 Croatian human rights activists and civil society organisations, as it became clear that sustainability of human rights protection, the...