18 November 2020 | Civic Space


The European Civic Forum is organising a policy debate on the occasion of the launch of its annual Civic Space Watch report 2020, on Tuesday 8 December (3:00-5:15 p.m. CET). Hosted by MEP Pietro Bartolo, this year’s debate will be organised online and will be an opportunity for key civil society actors from across Europe to exchange with high level representatives of the EU about the main challenges facing democracy in Europe today and the role civil society can play to revive support for European values amid an unprecedented sanitary, economic and social crisis.

Prominent decision-makers and civic actors will share their feeling on the past year, their actions to mitigate the damage of the crisis. They will especially exchange on ways to strengthen democratic checks and balances in Europe, once exceptional rules are to be lifted.

The second part will be dedicated to the Civic Pride Awards. The ECF rewarded groups of citizens, organised and non-organised, who responded to the narrowing of civic space under the pandemic circumstances.


Interpretation for this event is foreseen in French, Spanish, Italian and Polish.

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