July 9, 2024 from 14:30 to 18:30 (CET) Hybrid event.
A Think tank meeting hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions (Room JDE 53) and facilitated by the European Movement-Italy and The-EPE.
Europe, the EU institutions as well as all the financial, economic, and social actors need to design new forms of collaborative leadership and make use of ‘game changers’ in a global ‘reshaped world order’ and an EU which the ‘European illiberal’ wish to transform from inside.
Whatever your role – in EU or Member States Institutions, Cities, Business, Farms, Civil Society – whatever your priorities, from a geo-political or competitiveness perspective, as to prepare a new big EU enlargement, to reach the SDGs and other targets in time, to make successful business in line with CSDDD , to secure risk mitigation in the public interest, to address the impact of AI, we are all facing a ‘reshaped world order’.
We would all gain from adding ‘new and transformative game changers’ to improve the European ‘systems leadership’ so that we are gaining in terms of responsibility, accountability, empowerment, and performance.
Systems leaders aim to catalyze, enable, and orchestrate systems-level change by mobilizing large networks of diverse actors to work together in new ways to achieve shared goals[1].
- 14:30- 15:30 What did we wrong? What ‘game changers’ in a reshaped world order?
- Introduction of the Report by Mr Raymond Van Ermen, The-EPE
- Contributions: Mr Patrick Ten Brink, European Environment Bureau (EEB) and Ms Mariana de la Roche, International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA)
- 15:30 – 16:30 In a reshaped world order, the twin transition, strategic autonomy, and partnership between equals with Africa.
- Introduction: Digital Product Passport, Due Diligence and Just Transition by MS Tonia Damveraki, BC100+/European Blockchain Observatory and Forum.
- Contributions: Cabinet President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Oxfam, Africa Web3 Impact Mapping, GBBC.
Coffee Break
- 17:00 – 18:30 What European systems leadership? A European Parliament “Europe’s Governance Transformation and the Twin Transition” Intergroup ?
- Introduction: President Virgilio Dastoli, European Movement Italy
- Roundtable: Members of the European Parliament, EESC, CoR, European Movement Poland, European Movement France, European Movement UK, European Movement Spain, Mr Tommaso Astazi, Blockchain for Europe, Ms Pegah Moulana, Youth and Environment Europe (tbc).
For more INFORMATION: segreteria@movimentoeuropeo.it and REGISTRATION: (https://forms.gle/BVh8CAFTafhfK7hj7)
[1] Jane Nelson, Harvard Kennedy School.