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Civic Pride Month – Celebrating Civic Activism!

For several years, ECF has been running the Civic Pride campaign – turning our attention away from policymaking and institutional…...
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NGOs urge EU ministers to act decisively on Poland’s rule of law crisis

As the EU Council prepares to discuss the rule of law situation in Poland at its upcoming meeting on 22 February 2022, FIDH and other civil society organisations from Poland and across the EU draw EU...
Open letter regarding the reform of the Gag Law in Spain

SPAIN: Gag Law under reform, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, expression and rule of law

In Spain, social movements play a crucial role for democracy and rule of law: they mobilise citizens for environmental and social justice, and for the protection of sexual and reproductive rights...
Protests were met with brutal repression by Police Officers

Òmnium, Irídia and the ANC demand 37 new prosecutions
of Spanish Police Officers in the

A new expert investigation from three private accusations identifies more than 450 illegal actions during the 2017 Catalan referendum in Barcelona Barcelona, 22nd January 2022 - Catalan NGO and ECF...
Citizens participation must also be channelled through representative associations

Representation and participation: two faces of a strong democracy

As the third COFOE plenary took place end of January, we want to draw on and amplify some key takeaways from the citizens panels, namely that the EU must change in order to deliver social, economic...
ECF contributes to Rule of Law consultation by European Commission

ECF responds to the 2022 Commission consultation
on rule of law in the EU

The European Civic Forum took part in the 2022 European Commission consultation on the state of rule of law in the European Union.   Democracy, fundamental rights, and the rule of law are interlinked ...
LDH revue Droits&Libertés n°196 cover

Quel avenir pour le projet européen?

Find the original version (in French) here: HL196-Monde-5.-Quel-avenir-pour-le-projet-europeen.pdf (ldh-france.org) Alexandrina Najmowicz est secrétaire générale du Forum civique européen (FCE)...

10 Tips for NGOs: How to Affect Content in New EU Directive Projects

In September 2021, the Providus think tank and the Latvian Civic Alliance, with the support of the European Parliament, held a consultation with members of the European Parliament (EP) on the views of...

Open Letter to demand meaningful debate on and written responses to European Citizens’ Panel

Dear members of the Executive Board, The Conference on the Future of Europe (hereafter: the Conference) is at a crossroads: either it will turn into an ugly interinstitutional battle happening largely...

ECF express condolences after the passing of David Sassoli, president of the European Parliament

It is with great sorrow that we learned the passing of European Parliament President David Sassoli today. We sincerely regret the loss of a political figure who was always supportive of civil society...