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Press Release: Civic freedoms declined over past five years despite EU democracy agenda, new report finds

Civic freedoms in decline in the EU and Western Balkans EU policies contributes to shrinking space for civil society Restrictions against protests showing solidarity with the Palestinian people across the EU Ahead of the EU elections, a new report released by the European Civic Forum finds that overall, civic freedoms have deteriorated in Europe during…...
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A game for the social dimension of European integration. Unions in the starting blocks

While economic integration in the European Union is progressing, EU members are moving away from each other in social terms. Such a diagnosis was made at the international seminar „The (In)Visible...

What citizens say about the EU in Hungary– a non-representative survey

Initiated and coordinated by European House Budapest Europa Platform Hungary is a grass-root civil initiative open to civil society organisations and citizens interested in the future of Europe. It...

ECF condemns breaches of the rule of law on Croatian borders with Bosnia

On Saturday 30 January, four Italian Members of the European Parliament, Pietro Bartolo, Brando Benifei, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Alessandra Moretti, were prevented by the Croatian police from...

Your Voice on the Future of Europe

The Future of Europe is now! As Citizens Take Over Europe we are working to bring together civil society organisations, citizens and residents of Europe with a shared goal: to promote a future for the...

The invisible guardians of European dignity (POLITICO OP-ED)

This article was originally published on Poltico.eu  ‘Civic actors are not phantoms, we exist, we are a resource for Europe. We call on institutions to recognize and support the work we do and the...

Join the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe

Civil Society Europe, the European Coordination body which the  ECF is a part of, is launching a Civil Society Convention on the future of Europe. The Conference on the Future of Europe is due to kick...

EUROPEAN MOVEMENT ITALY: Rule of Law, Spinelli Draft Treaty, Art. 7 TEU and Court of Justice

In its “European Constitution” (the Spinelli Draft Treaty establishing a European Union adopted in February 1984) the European Parliament has proposed that a Member of the Union should respect the...

Civic Space Watch report 2020
Stories from the lockdown is out!

2020 has been characterised by the COVID-19 health emergency that produced consequences on our societies, economies and democracies that are unprecedented in Europe in times of peace. We have changed...

Drifts towards authoritarianism across Europe alert institutions and NGOs

Representatives of the EU institutions and civil society have raised concerns about recent attacks on the right to protest On 3 December 2020, the European Civic Forum, together with the Spanish...