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Press Release: Civic freedoms declined over past five years despite EU democracy agenda, new report finds

Civic freedoms in decline in the EU and Western Balkans EU policies contributes to shrinking space for civil society Restrictions against protests showing solidarity with the Palestinian people across the EU Ahead of the EU elections, a new report released by the European Civic Forum finds that overall, civic freedoms have deteriorated in Europe during…...
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Stories From The Lockdown
Winners are out!

In May, we launched the call for nomination Stories from the lockdown aiming at discovering and collecting inspiring stories of activists, associations, movements or groups of citizens who...

ECF answer to the consultation
on the European Democracy Action Plan

European Civic Forum contribution to the European Commission Consultation on its Roadmap for a European Democracy Action Plan Declining trust in democracy is a well-documented and worrying trend all...
CREDIT: Sergei Grits: Associated Press

We stand in solidarity with people in Belarus
in their fight for dignity and freedom<

Since the 9th of August, after rigged presidential elections, hundreds of thousands of Belarussians took to the streets to manifest peacefully their disapproval to oppressive authorities that violate...

The European Civic Forum welcomes 6 new member organisations in its network

Following the General Assembly held online on 30 June, the European Civic Forum has officially 6 new member organisations, which now amount to more than 90. The members were invited to vote on 6...

European citizens deserve more and better from the EU budget under discussion

Download in PDF | French version accessible hereAs stated by civil society actors and the European Parliament, the Council decisions about the EU multiannual budget are not acceptable. Mobilisation...

Nominations of EESC members: Polish authorities are using the Trojan Horse method

The European Civic Forum condemns the retaliation of the Polish government against the re-election of Karolina Dreszer-Smalec, representing the National Federation of Polish NGOs (OFOP), for another...

Ending SLAPPs: strategic lawsuits against public participation

Together with over a 100 NGOs, ECF has published a policy paper on how the EU should end gag lawsuits, also known as SLAPPs. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) are lawsuits...
EU Budget presented on May 27 by the European Commission

CSOs Open Letter to European and national leaders

Text available in PDF here | Letter in Italian | Letter in FrenchUPDATE: on July 6, the European Civic Forum sent a follow-up letter to Mrs. Von der Leyen, Mr. Michel and Mr. Sassoli. You can read it...
EU recovery budget presented by Ursula Von der Leyen

EU budget: value for money and money for values?

On 27 May, the European Commission presented a budget for the next seven years, including exceptional funding of 750 billion euros for a European response to the crisis resulting from Covid 19. This...