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Press Release: Civic freedoms declined over past five years despite EU democracy agenda, new report finds

Civic freedoms in decline in the EU and Western Balkans EU policies contributes to shrinking space for civil society Restrictions against protests showing solidarity with the Palestinian people across the EU Ahead of the EU elections, a new report released by the European Civic Forum finds that overall, civic freedoms have deteriorated in Europe during…...
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The ECF publishes its newest advocacy paper for CSOs

In a Europe, where we are increasingly witnessing barriers to access fundamental rights and civic actors are being stigmatised, oppressed or even criminalised. On 10 December 2018, as the world...

European Citizenship Awards: It’s your time to play! Online votes are open

https://civic-forum.eu/english/european-citizenship-awards-its-your-time-to-play-online-votes-are-openAfter an intense debate and more than 30 applications received, the jury members of the European...


A group of civil society organisations is contesting the Draft Law on amendments on the Law on social protection in Serbia, after a non-transparent process of consultation by the Serbian government...

Who we are? The European Civic Forum (ECF) is a transnational network that brings together over 100 associations and NGOs across 27 countries in Europe and is actively working to promote civic and...

We are looking for our Campaign officer

Who we are? The European Civic Forum (ECF) is a transnational network that brings together over 100 associations and NGOs across 27 countries in Europe and is actively working to promote civic and...

New Europeans nominated for the Europe Award

Great news: New Europeans is in the running for the prestigious Europe Award 2019! Now it’s up to the young Europeans to vote for the winner. If you’re 35 years old or younger, then your vote is...

Civic space shrinking in 2017 shows Civil Society Europe’s report

Last Friday, 22 June, Carlotta Besozzi, coordinator of Civil Society Europe, was invited at a side event of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. She took the opportunity to present the...

The European Citizenship Awards are back!

The European Citizenship Awards 2018 is a joint initiative between the European Civic Forum and Volonteurope, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance...

10 associations rejoignent le Forum Civique Européen

Suite à l'assemblée générale qui s'est tenue à Sofia le 31 mai dernier, ce sont pas moins de 10 nouvelles organisations qui ont décidé de rejoindre le Forum Civique Européen cette année. Leur adhésion...