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Press Release: Civic freedoms declined over past five years despite EU democracy agenda, new report finds

Civic freedoms in decline in the EU and Western Balkans EU policies contributes to shrinking space for civil society Restrictions against protests showing solidarity with the Palestinian people across the EU Ahead of the EU elections, a new report released by the European Civic Forum finds that overall, civic freedoms have deteriorated in Europe during…...
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Democracy International – Europe 2.0: Your future, your turn to design it!

Tuesday is Jam Day! Within the framework of the project European Public Sphere (https://www.publicsphere.eu) Democracy International is currently hosting the online discussion series ‘Europe 2.0’ for...

Ökotárs Foundation – Step in the wrong direction: merging the Equal Treatment Authority

Merging the Equal Treatment Authority under the Ombudsman’s Office jeopardizes the assertion of the principle of equal treatment. While in the past the Authority has often acted in defence of...

European House: European dimension in practice

Europa Platform Hungary, an open formation of non-governmental organisations and citizens in Hungary initiated and coordinated by European House Budapest was formed on Europe Day 2020. The Platform...
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets on 28 November in France

The European Civic Forum warns about rapid deterioration
of civic space and the rule of law in

French version below Paris, Brussels, 1st December 2020 The European Civic Forum welcomes the mass mobilisation of hundreds of thousands of people that took place on 28 and 29 November in 70 cities...

R-EUCONNECTED: project partners meet physically and online in Castiglione del Lago

The organisation Tempo Scelto, in collaboration with the Municipality of Castiglione del Lago and the University of Perugia, organised a meeting with expert in the field of European Union and European...


The European Civic Forum is organising a policy debate on the occasion of the launch of its annual Civic Space Watch report 2020, on Tuesday 8 December (3:00-5:15 p.m. CET). Hosted by MEP Pietro...
Civic organisations saw the funding for Rights & Values doubled

Civic organisations to secure a historic victory!

The European Parliament and the German Presidency of the Council of the EU clinched a deal on Tuesday 10 November, sealing months-long talks. The agreement foresees a significant increase in the...

Open letter on the nominations of the EESC representatives for the period 2020-2025

Civil Society Europe together with the European Center for Non Profit Law, Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile (FDSC), Stefan Batory Foundation and Solidarna wrote to the German...

European House Budapest position paper on EU citizenship

The European Commission launched a public consultation as part of the preparatory process leading to the release of the next edition of the EU Citizenship Report due to be published in the coming...