For press enquiries, please contact Benjamin Goodwin: bgoodwin[at]


At a distance, united as never before

Version française ci-dessousDear members, We are all living an unexpected and astonishing situation The whole planet faces the same emergency, and Europe has become, after China, the centre of the Covid-19 dissemination. All institutions, governments, communities, all of us are asked to act responsibly as individuals and as a community. We have to change our…...
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European Citizenship Awards: CHECK OUT THE LAUREATES OF THE 2017 EDITION

Organised jointly by the European Civic Forum and Volonteurope, the European Citizenship Awards 2017 promote and give visibility to outstanding and inspiring initiatives and individuals who have put European democratic citizenship into practice, and in so doing have had a positive impact on their communities. This year, the European Citizenship Awards aimed at rewarding initiatives…...
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SOTEU: statement by the European Civic Forum

On Wednesday 13 September, European Commission president Juncker announced what will be the course of Europe until late 2018, in front of the European Parliament. The European Civic Forum paid a special attention to his speech and wanted to contribute to the debates around the Future of Europe with its statement following Mr. Juncker's speech.…...
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European Citizenship Awards: this year’s laureates are…

Organised jointly by Volonteurope and the European Civic Forum The European Citizenship Awards 2017 promote and give visibility to outstanding and inspiring initiatives and individuals who have put European democratic citizenship into practice, and in so doing have had a positive impact on their communities. This year, the European Citizenship Awards aimed at rewarding initiatives which contribute…...
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Le président du FCE à la Chancellerie du Prix du citoyen européen

Le Bureau du Parlement européen dans sa réunion du 13 mars 2017 a arrêté la composition de la nouvelle chancellerie du prix du citoyen européen. Créé en 2008, le Prix du citoyen européen a pour vocation de récompenser chaque année des citoyens, groupes, associations ou organisations pour leurs réalisations exceptionnelles et/ou leur engagement remarquable dans…...
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ECF president nominated in the European Citizen’s Prize Chancellery

The Bureau of European Parliament unveiled the composition of the new European citizen’s prize Chancellery, in a meeting on 13 March 2017. Since 2008 the Parliament awards the European Citizen’s Prize every year to projects and initiatives that facilitate cross-border cooperation or promote mutual understanding within the EU. The prize, which has symbolic value, is…...
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