For press enquiries, please contact Benjamin Goodwin: bgoodwin[at]


EDITO: Fighting for democratic empowerment and resilience

Civil society is a cornerstone of democracy. But across the EU, NGOs are under pressure. In our Civic Space Report 2023, we explain why to create resilient democracies, we must empower civil society...
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  PRESS RELEASE - 13 July 2021 L’UNION DES SANS-PAPIERS RECEIVES CIVIC PRIDE AWARD FROM EUROPEAN CIVIC FORUM Version française Around 500 undocumented people have occupied the Beguinage church and sites at ULB and VUB Brussels universities for over 5 months. Over 430 undocumented people have been on hunger strike since 23 May 2021. Despite…...
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French Separatism Bill threatens fundamental freedoms, warn civil society organisations

      8 June 2021 IMMEDIATE RELEASE French Separatism Bill threatens fundamental freedoms, warn civil society organisations   The proposed French "separatism" bill («Projet de loi confortant le respect des principes de la République») could threaten rights and civil liberties, according to French and European civil society organisations including CIVICUS, the European Civic Forum…...
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Drifts towards authoritarianism across Europe alert institutions and NGOs

Representatives of the EU institutions and civil society have raised concerns about recent attacks on the right to protest On 3 December 2020, the European Civic Forum, together with the Spanish associations Novact and Iridia, organised a policy debate with representatives of democratic civic organisations and protest movements from across Europe as well as EU…...
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Civic organisations saw the funding for Rights & Values doubled

Civic organisations to secure a historic victory!

The European Parliament and the German Presidency of the Council of the EU clinched a deal on Tuesday 10 November, sealing months-long talks. The agreement foresees a significant increase in the budget for the Justice, Rights and Values programme, raising from 0.8 to €1.6 billion for the 2021-2027 period. The European Civic Forum, together with…...
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The ECF is part of the Citizens Take Over Europe initiative

Citizens Take Over Europe

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS KICK OFF A CITIZENS’ CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF EUROPE 27 April 2020 – This year’s Europe Day, the 9th of May, is marked by the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, by the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2 and by the terrible Covid-19 pandemia. At a turning point for Europe, civil…...
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