by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 25 May 2020 | Events
On 9th of May 45 organisations and thousands of citizens across Europe called for online and offline events on a day-long kick off, all across Europe. The ECF held a discussion on the Future and the consequences of the Coronavirus-related crisis. The...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 13 September 2017 | Press
On Wednesday 13 September, European Commission president Juncker announced what will be the course of Europe until late 2018, in front of the European Parliament. The European Civic Forum paid a special attention to his speech and wanted to contribute to the debates...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 11 July 2017 | Civil Dialogue
The role of civil society organisations has evolved significantly and will continue to change in the future. Their capacity to contribute to political and societal development will depend on a variety of factors, including funding, technological development and the...
by Vladimir SESTOVIC | 20 June 2017 | Call for action, Civic Participation
More than 250 non-government organisations from across Europe have today released an alternative vision for a more democratic, just and sustainable Europe. Intended to influence the debate on the future direction of Europe, this alternative vision is endorsed by...