by OFOP - National Federation of Polish NGOs The European Commission has registered a draft European Citizens' Initiative on a dignified reception of migrants. The National Federation of Polish Non-Governmental Organizations is one of the non-governmental...
Statement on the situation of the USPR and undocumented people
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A EUROPEAN CALL FOR REGULARISATION AND DIGNITY (French version below) We, civic actors from across Europe and Members of the European Parliament are calling on the Belgian government to meet their commitments stated this...
ECF condemns breaches of the rule of law on Croatian borders with Bosnia
On Saturday 30 January, four Italian Members of the European Parliament, Pietro Bartolo, Brando Benifei, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Alessandra Moretti, were prevented by the Croatian police from approaching the Croatian borders with Bosnia where illegal pushbacks on...
Du 30 avril au 8 juillet, ils marcheront pour les réfugiés!
Une initiative sans précédent a démarré le lundi 30 avril en France. Motivés à l’idée de rassembler les citoyens à travers la France et sensibiliser sur la situation des migrants arrivant en France, mais aussi pour mettre en avant ces activistes qui donnent un sens au...
From 30 April to 8 July – they will march for migrants !
An unprecedented initiative will kick-off in France on Monday, 30 April. Willing to gather together citizens and raise awareness about the situation of migrants coming to France, but also about the activists that give real substance to solidarity, l’Auberge des...