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European Civic Forum and Civil Society Europe discuss Civil Society Strategy with cabinet of Commission Vice-President Šuica
The European Civic Forum and Civil Society Europe met with the cabinet of Commission Vice-President Šuica on 28 September to discuss prospects for a civil society strategy and civic participation in policy making. The meeting was organised as a follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe and…...
ECF meets in Paris for its General Assembly and the CSOs Convention closing event
The 2022 Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the European Civic Forum took place on 29th June, in the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) in Paris. After the meeting of the National Platforms of NGOs, ECF members had the opportunity to approve the 2021 Activity report discussed statutory affairs, ongoing and upcoming activities and…...
300+ CSOs call on the European Commission for a European Civil Society Strategy: join our campaign!
Today the European Civic Forum joins 300+ CSOs from all across Europe to call on the President of the European Commission to include in the work programme of 2023 a proposal for a European Civil Society Strategy. Read the letter here: Why a European Civil Society Strategy? Civil society is experiencing growing challenges on…...
REGISTER NOW: High level Conference on Civil Society and the Future of Europe
As a follow-up process of the Convention and the Conference of the Future of Europe, Civil Society Europe, the French Social Economic and Environmental Council, and the Mouvement Associatif will be holding a High Level Conference on Civil Society and the Future of Europe that will be organised under the auspices of the French Presidency of the European…...
Building an equality map / recognition by BeFem
"For cities tailored to people, not capital!" On 8 March, Ministry of Spatial Planning received a special recognition for building an equality map from BeFem, a feminist cultural centre in Serbia. The Ministry of Spatial Planning was created with the desire to contribute to the democratic and fair development of cities, and for the last…...
CAL Director presents proposals from people of Latvia at the conference on the future of Europe
On Friday, March 25th and Saturday, March 26th, Kristīne Zonberga, Director of the Civic Alliance - Latvia, participated in the fifth plenary session and working groups of the Conference on the Future of Europe as a representative of Latvian citizens. In the plenary session, Kristīne Zonberga presented a summary of the proposals for the future…...
On Thursday, 17 March 2022, the European Civic Forum (ECF) held its annual Civic Pride Awards event, this time fully online, to discuss with outstanding civic initiatives in Europe about the support they need from national authorities and European institutions in the current context of crisis. After two years of pandemic, in fact, European civil…...
Civil Society Convention delivers its recommendations on the Future of Europe
“In an exercise that has never been tried before, CSOs came together and put forward this outstanding work”. Alexandrina Najmowicz, co-chair of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe, showed the dominating enthusiasm that reigned during the presentation of the Convention’s recommendations (to be published soon). Follow live the second day of…...
Why we need an EU Civil Society Strategy
While the importance of civil society in fostering and protecting the EU values and advancing European policies is reflected in a wide variety of EU policies and strategies, experts stress that the European institutions tend to view civil society as an ally to implement EU policies, rather than a partner or a sector in itself.…...