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Missions Publiques interviews Alexandrina Najmowicz:
“To rehabilitate European democracy, we must build on the bonds that bring us together”

In an interview for Missions Publiques, CSOs Convention co-chair Alexandrina Najmowicz exposed the role of CSOs in the Conference on the Future of Europe, but also the democratic crisis, which the Conference is only partially addressing. We have reproduced the full interview below. Alexandrina Najmowicz is the Secretary General of the European Civic Forum (FCE),…...
Citizens participation must also be channelled through representative associations

Representation and participation: two faces of a strong democracy

As the third COFOE plenary took place end of January, we want to draw on and amplify some key takeaways from the citizens panels, namely that the EU must change in order to deliver social, economic, environmental and democratic integration! That policies should be people-centred and people-powered! Putting people in the driving seat of such a transformation requires institutions creating the conditions and…...
LDH revue Droits&Libertés n°196 cover

Quel avenir pour le projet européen?

Find the original version (in French) here: HL196-Monde-5.-Quel-avenir-pour-le-projet-europeen.pdf ( Alexandrina Najmowicz est secrétaire générale du Forum civique européen (FCE), réseau composé d’une centaine d’associations et d’ONG européennes œuvrant pour la démocratie et les libertés associatives en Europe. Elle revient ici sur les enjeux de la Conférence pour l’avenir de l’Europe, où elle siège, dans…...

Open Letter to demand meaningful debate on and written responses to European Citizens’ Panel recommendations

Dear members of the Executive Board, The Conference on the Future of Europe (hereafter: the Conference) is at a crossroads: either it will turn into an ugly interinstitutional battle happening largely behind closed doors, feeding cynicism about EU and the oft-declared ‘Europe of citizens’, or it will fully embrace the potential of meaningful and publicly…...

CSOs Convention at the Conference on the Future of Europe Plenary

The CSOs Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe took part in the second CoFoE plenary in Strasbourg on 22-23 September. While plenary working groups kick-started with first discussions, citizens shared first insights from their panels and delegates from the youth event (that witnesses unacceptable Islamophobic attacks from far-right groups), the two days…...

Tech for Democracy 2021

INVITATION TO ACTION DAYS Technology and digitalisation have contributed greatly to global democracy, the fight for human rights and a more just and equal world. However, technology is also used as a tool to counteract democracy and misuse power. Civil society and human rights defenders around the world are often main targets of digital crackdowns,…...

Open letter to Conference Plenary: ensure the inclusion of marginalised communities!

Dear members of the Conference Plenary, On 19th June 2021, 57 civil society organisations from across Europe sent a letter to the Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe (hereafter: the Conference), expressing strong concerns about the lack of inclusion of marginalised communities in the Conference. On 16th July 2021, the Co-Chairs sent a reply, indicating…...

The CSOs Convention on the Future of Europe goes local!

We are living a historic moment at the European level in terms of coordination and convergence of civil society around a shared agenda for the Future of Europe. Over 80 thematic EU networks, platforms, federations and alliances have come together at the initiative of Civil Society Europe (CSE) and have set up a Civil Society…...

Genova 20 Years On – Interview with Prof. Salvatore Palidda

20 years ago, a movement of protest and proposal, organized on a global scale, took to the streets of Genova alongside the G8. It was the continuation of the reflections started in Seattle in 1999. It was the birth of a so-called movement of movements – a social movement converging many mobilisations and demands around…...