Apply for the European Civic Micro-Grants 2024! (only for member organisations)

The European Civic Micro-Grants are an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also to build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies. Through its operating grant from the EU’s CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established this granting mechanism for its member organisations, launched in 2023, and now available for 2024. 

New Europeans: Europe Future Fringe

New Europeans in partnership with the European Future Forum (EFF) and Volonteurope has launched the Europe Future Fringe. The idea is for #EuropeFutureFringe to spark a conversation about the future of Europe, to energize the debate about what happens next. You can join the fringe network simply by writing to Too often the discussion…...

A game for the social dimension of European integration. Unions in the starting blocks

While economic integration in the European Union is progressing, EU members are moving away from each other in social terms. Such a diagnosis was made at the international seminar „The (In)Visible East-West Divide” organised by IPA as part of the ARTUS CEE project. The expectation that wages and labour standards in Central and Eastern Europe…...

What citizens say about the EU in Hungary– a non-representative survey

Initiated and coordinated by European House Budapest Europa Platform Hungary is a grass-root civil initiative open to civil society organisations and citizens interested in the future of Europe. It aims to contribute to the successful proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Last year December we organised an online debate on how we evaluate…...

EUROPEAN MOVEMENT ITALY: Rule of Law, Spinelli Draft Treaty, Art. 7 TEU and Court of Justice

In its “European Constitution” (the Spinelli Draft Treaty establishing a European Union adopted in February 1984) the European Parliament has proposed that a Member of the Union should respect the Rule of Law and that the only authority having the capacity to judge about the violation of the Rule of Law should be the Court…...

Democracy International – Europe 2.0: Your future, your turn to design it!

Tuesday is Jam Day! Within the framework of the project European Public Sphere ( Democracy International is currently hosting the online discussion series ‘Europe 2.0’ for Europeans under the age of 27. The Europe Jams are your open space to share ideas, visions and solutions for the future of Europe. We will send all ideas…...

Ökotárs Foundation – Step in the wrong direction: merging the Equal Treatment Authority under the Ombudsman’s Office

Merging the Equal Treatment Authority under the Ombudsman’s Office jeopardizes the assertion of the principle of equal treatment. While in the past the Authority has often acted in defence of vulnerable social groups, the current Ombudsman has not taken any steps in the case of compensating Rome children who suffered segregated education, did not speak…...

European House: European dimension in practice

Europa Platform Hungary, an open formation of non-governmental organisations and citizens in Hungary initiated and coordinated by European House Budapest was formed on Europe Day 2020. The Platform aims to contribute to the successful proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Europe initiative. On 28 October 2020 the Platform adopted a position in the…...

Open letter on the nominations of the EESC representatives for the period 2020-2025

Civil Society Europe together with the European Center for Non Profit Law, Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile (FDSC), Stefan Batory Foundation and Solidarna wrote to the German Presidency of the EU and the European Commission as follow up of our previous letter from 17 July on issues regarding the nomination process of EESC members representing civil society organisations…...

European House Budapest position paper on EU citizenship

The European Commission launched a public consultation as part of the preparatory process leading to the release of the next edition of the EU Citizenship Report due to be published in the coming months. The European House responded to the invitation and prepared a position paper which covers the main areas raised by the Commission such as the right…...