Apply for the European Civic Micro-Grants 2024! (only for member organisations)
The European Civic Micro-Grants are an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also to build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies. Through its operating grant from the EU’s CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established this granting mechanism for its member organisations, launched in 2023, and now available for 2024.
Polish Women’s Strike – Protested in 2020, then voted in 2023 – women and youth bring electoral victory to Polish opposition
Protested in 2020, then voted in 2023 – women and youth bring electoral victory to Polish opposition over the right wing, populist government of Jarosław Kaczyński and Mateusz Morawiecki. The official results of parliamentary elections in Poland are in – the authoritarian, rightwing "Law and Justice" party led by Jarosław Kaczyński gathered only 197 seats…...
European Movement Italy – The Lisbon Treaty and the European Constitution
After more than a year of complicated negotiations conducted away from the spotlight and civil society, the rapporteurs of the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee finally filed in committee a meaty report on the revision of the Lisbon Treaty that came into force in December 2009 along with the Charter of Fundamental Rights. At the…...
OFOP – Civil Society Proposals for Poland
2023 is a decisive election year in Poland. As the pre-election period approaches, the Polish Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations and other civil society organizations have teamed up to put forward civic policy proposals for Poland! The majority of Poles (64%, according to the More in Common Polska survey) say that things in our country are…...
Bündnis für Gemeinnützigkeit – Austrian organisation strengthens its position
Only nine months after the foundation of Bündnis für Gemeinnützigkeit (the umbrella organisation for NGOs in Austria) the organisation can report great success: Not only is the Austrian government in the process of implementing new NGO-related laws with regards to tax deductibility of donations and financial subsidies to offset rising energy costs but Bündnis is also steadily…...
OFOP: “Debating Civic Initiatives for Poland’s future” – NGOs introduce projects in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections / 20th anniversary of the National Federation of Polish NGOs
By OFOP "On the eve of the anniversary of the first free parliamentary elections in Poland, we managed to gather in Gdańsk exceptional representation of non-governmental organizations dealing with topics fundamental for the future. We have a comprehensive vision for the future of our country. A strong civil society acting in solidarity strengthens its resilience…...
European Movement Italy – European Public Goods in the next legislature
By European Movement Italy The European Movement in Italy has decided to open a debate on the European Public Goods and in the legislative measures to be adopted by the European Institutions during the next legislature. A statute for the European Association A European Civil Service The creation of working corridors for Economic Migrants The…...
Civic Alliance Latvia – NGOs call for strengthening democracy in Latvia through civil society support programmes to address persistent problems in the sector
The Civic Alliance of Latvia has sent an appeal to Head of Government Krišjānis Karins, the Cabinet of Ministers and State Secretaries of Ministries to address the persistent problem of the lack of targeted support and development policies for civil society in Latvia. When deciding on the priorities for the State Budget for 2024, NGOs…...
Reclaim Our Civil Space! – Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy?
The endeavour of Reclaim Our Civil Space! started back in 2020 with 10 civil society organizations from 8 countries - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Norway as an expert partner - and is coming to an end with this conference. Venue: EFTA House Avenue des Arts 19H, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Date:…...
Greek Forum of Refugees – Campaign for asylum access: Yet another tragedy – consequence of deterrence policies
ECF member Greek Forum of Refugees is a founding member of the campaign for asylum access, which advocates for the right of asylum seekers to have access to a fair and effective asylum system. This statement originally appeared here. Athens, 16 June 2023 Seventy-eight (78) people dead and more than 500 missing after the shipwreck…...