Apply for the European Civic Micro-Grants 2024! (only for member organisations)
The European Civic Micro-Grants are an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also to build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies. Through its operating grant from the EU’s CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established this granting mechanism for its member organisations, launched in 2023, and now available for 2024.
Greek Forum of Refugees: Food for All
The Greek Forum of Refugees in collaboration with INTERSOS HELLAS is starting the implementation of the FOOD FOR ALL program, which is supported by Stichting Vluchteling – SV ( The program aims to help as much as possible to cover the most basic human need, food. It is directed towards the most vulnerable groups of…...
HRCN: Padova and Gent together for human rights to promote equality in social services
How can we bring together civil society organisations, academic researchers, and municipal officials to monitor the human rights impacts and the level of inclusion of their social policies and services? The Civic Action for Rights and Equality in Cities (CAREinCities) project is trying to answer this question through a set of activities involving two cities,…...
Academia Cidadã: Groups from 9 countries knitted Red Lines for the climate and took them to the European Parliament
The “knitting for climate” movement, which brings together people and groups from nine countries, demonstrated at the European Parliament with 1.5 km of Red Lines. These Red Lines symbolize the 1.5 ºC limit of global warming, which climate science indicates we should not exceed. The movement met at Place Du Luxembourg, in front of the…...
Volonteurope: ECI for a water-smart and resilient Europe
Following on our commitment from the workshop ‘A Blue Deal through citizenship and stewardship’, which we organised during Civil Society Week in March 2024, together with the European Environmental Bureau and the CCMI (Consultative Commission on Industrial Change) Section of the EESC, on 17 July 2024 we submitted a proposal for a ‘European Citizens Initiative…...
Civil Society Development Foundation (FDSC): Romania 2024 – The Non-Governmental Sector. Profile, Trends, Challenges
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of the NGO sector in Romania and offers valuable insights for stakeholders interested in the development and support of civil society. The report, now available in English, highlights key aspects of the sector, including its growth, economic impact, and the challenges it faces. We believe that the findings will be of great interest and use to…...
Institute for Public Affairs: “Time for Changes. What Poles Expect on Selected Social Issues and How to Reach the Undecided” – opinion poll results
What are the most important problems to be solved in Poland? What are Poles opinions on education, the protection of the rights of various marginalized groups, women, the situation of rivers and urban greenery, and preventing discrimination against and supporting people with refugee experiences? ♀️ ➡ We asked Poles about these issues in a quantitative…...
European Movement Italy: A Constituent Pact for the Future of Europe
The most significant element of Ursula von der Leyen's re-election appears to us to be the consolidation of the pro-European parliamentary majority that voted for her and that included Christian universalism, Socialist internationalism Liberal cosmopolitanism and Transnational environmentalism by rejecting the Euro-hostile extremism of the conservatives led by Giorgia Meloni whose choices have isolated her…...
Gong: Analysis of Political Narratives on TikTok during the 2024 Election Campaign
Gong published the “Analysis of Political Narratives on TikTok during the 2024 Election Campaign” - research with an aim to explor the political narratives and political environment of TikTok in the pre-campaign and campaign period for the Croatian parliamentary elections. TikTok is the fastest growing social network in the world, preferred by users between the ages of 16…...
Okotars: Hungarian CSOs launch the Civil EU Presidency
Hungary holds the presidency of the Council of the EU between 1 July and 31 December 2024. Two CSO networks - the Great Lakes and Wetlands Alliance and the Civilisation Coalition - launch the Civil EU Presidency together to amplify the voice of civil society during these six months on issues that are not properly…...