Apply for the European Civic Micro-Grants 2024! (only for member organisations)
The European Civic Micro-Grants are an instrument of micro-financial support to civic groups, local initiatives, and movements in the European Union. The aim is to provide a flexible response and to strengthen capacity of organisations in responding to societal and political challenges, but also to build and sustain constituencies and engage in European network building and policies. Through its operating grant from the EU’s CERV programme, the European Civic Forum has established this granting mechanism for its member organisations, launched in 2023, and now available for 2024.
European Movement Italy: Let Us Write Together A New Narrative on Migrants
Ever since the birth of the Conte-I Government in June 2018, when Matteo Salvini ruled for fourteen months unchallenged at the building of the Internal Affairs Ministry (the Viminale) in disregard of all rules and with the complicity of the Five Stars ministers, we have intensified on our newsletter ( the counter-information action on migration…...
Initiative for Development and Cooperation shares news about its projects – IRIS network and Reintegrate II
IRIS NETWORK: Regional Benchmark Study for Western Balkans coming soon! Social progress - Regional Benchmark Study provides an overview of the progress made in the framework of the EU accession process regarding the following policy areas: social services, human rights protection, anti-discrimination policies, employment and social economy. This study will offer a snapshot of the…...
HRCN: Padua and Ghent together to overcome challenges and pave the way for monitoring rights and equality in local policies and services
The Civic Action for Rights and Equality in Cities (CAREinCities) project brings together a diverse community of civil society members and local authorities from the cities of Ghent (Belgium) and Padua (Italy). The purpose is to design a collaborative system to monitor the human rights impacts and inclusivity of their social policies and services. In…...
IPA: Central Europe Civic Forum 2024 – civil society advocates for a better and stronger democracy!
3 days of intensive work, exchange of experiences and networking are behind us within the annual Central Europe Civic Forum, which took place this year in Warsaw on September 11-13. The Central Europe Civic Forum is an annual venue for civil society leaders from the Central and Eastern Europe to share their experiences leading organizing…...
Polish Women’s Strike protests’ organisers on trial – verdict on 03.10.2024
Date: 3.10.2024 Time: 12.00 Courtroom: 224 Location: District Court in Warsaw, Solidarności 127 Press briefing after the verdict. The criminal case against Polish Women's Strike pro abortion protests’ (2020) leaders is finally coming to an end in the District Court in Warsaw, Poland. Marta Lempart, Agnieszka Czerederecka and Klementyna Suchanow are charged under Article 165…...
BCSDN Calls for an End to Crackdown on Serbian Civic Freedoms, Urging the EU and International Community to Join in Support
In solidarity with Serbian civil society, BCSDN stands firmly with those facing increasing pressure to defend democratic values and fundamental rights. We support their right to protest and demand an accountable government. BCSDN urges the Serbian government to respect civic freedoms and immediately end the crackdown on civil society. The rise of protests In recent…...
IDC: Balkan caravan – Journey through the Western Balkan region
The IRIS network organized the Balkan Caravan from July 8 to 13, 2024 in six countries of the region - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia. The purpose of the Balkan Caravan is the promotion and exchange of good practices in the field of human rights and social inclusion in the…...
European Movement Italy – European Commission: A glass half empty, significant contradictions and silences
We will divide our reflections into three points: the first concerns the institutional aspects, which are obviously also political, the second concerns what could be called a half-full glass, the third concerns what is instead a glass half empty with many contradictions and silences. As far as the political and institutional aspects are concerned, we…...
Greek Forum of Refugees: More than a book presentation
The presentation of the book “Yonous”, on September 19, was not just a book launch event. It was the opportunity for a meaningful discussion on the current issues of asylum and migration, which directly concern Greece, especially at this critical moment. The discussion focused on global challenges, wars and the root causes that force millions…...